Homeroom Levels
What is a homeroom?
We want to make sure every student receives exactly the right amount of challenge every day. No matter what your previous experience or preferred learning speed, we have a curriculum and projects to accommodate it! We’ve broken web development into six different homerooms, and there’s one that’s just right for everyone.
Each homeroom is a breakout room on Zoom where we will teach a set of skills at a specific coding level. Students will start in a homeroom that matches their initial knowledge. Throughout the year, they will migrate through every stage, learning new skills in each one and leveling up.
What are the different homerooms?
Homeroom 1 - HTML
Don’t know a bracket from a curly brace? We will walk you through everything from the very beginning. Don’t be intimidated! It’s easy to pick up.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Basic Structure of Code
- Tags
- body
- p
- h1
- button
- a
- Nesting
- Attributes
- Self-closing Tags
- img
- br
Homeroom 2 - CSS
I can make a website, but it’s about as plain as a cardboard box full of khakis. So let’s add some style!
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Selectors
- Element Name
- Id
- Class
- Units
- Box Model
- CSS Properties
- background-color
- color
- border
- position
Homeroom 3 - Novice JavaScript
I have a gorgeous website, but it's static and doesn’t move. I can ask people questions on my website, I just wish they could answer me.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Data Types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Variables
- Alerts
- Prompts
- If Statments
- Functions
Homeroom 4 - Beginner JavaScript
Now I know some JavaScript, but I don’t know how to use JavaScript to actually change the properites of my website.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Boolean Algebra
- || Operator
- && Operator
- ! Operator
- Else If Statements
Homeroom 5 - Intermediate JavaScript
My code is super repetitive and long. I want it to be shorter and more elegant.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- While Loops
- For Loops
- Arrays
Homeroom 6 - Advanced JavaScript
Right now I know how to structure my code, but I want to be able to make my website more responsive.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Event Listeners
- Click
- Math Object
- Update Image Sources
Homeroom 7 - Expert JavaScript
I am an amazing coder! Put me in the hardest room because I am ready for a challenge.
Before moving on to the next homeroom, you will learn:
- Objects
- Dot Notation
- Timing Events
Which homeroom should I start in?
We suggest reading what is being taught in each homeroom, beginning with Homeroom 1. Once you hit a new concept or one that you have not mastered yet, you should start there.